Titulok príspevku: | 3*... maybe. |
Váš vek: | 35-45 |
Zloženie cestujúcich: | pár |
Termín pobytu: | august 2010 |
Trvanie: | 2 týždne/13-16 nocí |
Dátum pridania: | 23.07.2013 |
Čím vyššie hodnotenie, tým je lepší dojem |
Celkové hodnotenie: | This hotel is not worth the 5 stars they give themselves. |
Poloha: | The only real plus in regards to location is that it is on the beachfront. But this is standard for most Hotels here. |
Ubytovanie: | We were given the run around. First, low standard room - with a view of a neighbouring building and the workers smoking within. When we kindly asked for another room, we were given one a floor down... even worse than the first. The Hotel was nearly empty, so I found this treatment out of place with a service orientated business. Getting the original room back was now a challenge, as the reception desk was busy reading the daily paper. I played the fool and the Bell Hop explained I needed to give them something for a "standard" room. So that everyone knows here is the process they expect: Slip cash into your passport before handing it to the receptionist. Careful, 20USD may buy you a laugh, while 50-100USD will get you something. |
Služby: | The soda man was perhaps the best behaved and kindest, otherwise do not expect much. |
Šport a zábava: | If you find a volleyball and find some friends, you will be entertained. Your best bet is to be social and make friends of the other tourist here so you can smile and laugh at it all. |
Stravovanie: | Warm drinks. Bad yams. Smelly meat. Plastic desserts. "Pizza," Burgers and fries at the Beach Bar were the biggest hit unless you are a survival expert and can fish something normal out of the Red Sea. You can also make up for the caloric intake by buying chips and stale chocolate at local confectioneries. |
Pláž: | Beach was nice. Hot, sunny, clean water. Avoid talking to the local sales reps walking the beach eyeing your wallet offering you "great" deals.
For those of you still considering the trip, do go snorkeling, diving, and trips to the ancient monuments if it is safe to do so. |
Odporúčali by ste hotel Vašim známym? | Nie |
Zodpovedá podľa Vás hotel popisu v katalógu CK? | Nie |
Zodpovedá podľa Vás kategória hotela? | Nie |
Pomer cena/celkové služby: | neprimeraný |
Vaše meno: | Honeymooners |
Ako často v priemere cestujete na zahraničné dovolenky? | 3x a viac za rok |